Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Is this not the best study break ever? Posted by Picasa

You ever seen a pet bird on a leash

The story behind this picture is: We were waiting for our train to arrive at this small town station after a camping trip when this guy walks out onto the platform holding a stick with a bird on it. As if that's not strange enough, the bird is connected to the stick by a string around it's neck. Of course I was not gonna pass up this photo opp. Anyway, the guy realizes that I'm taking a picture of him (because he's staring at me like I'm a freak because I'm not chinese) and he totally blows up at me. i've never had a little chinese man get up in my face like that before. I just told him I couldn't understand what he was saying and then put my camera away. The nerve of some people, coming out in public doing crazy stuff and getting upset when people take notice.

Wednesday, May 10, 2006

My Little Guy is Getting Bigger and So Handsome

Aside from looking like a demon dog in this pic, he's gotten so much bigger than when I received him on March 24. He's about two and half months old now. He's still not potty trained but he does like to relieve himself outside. We'll get steps, ya know.

This is at Bambur's Uncle Jaxon's first birthday party.

He doesn't love the idea of bathing yet.