Wednesday, March 28, 2012

I'm off to Hollywood to see about being a star!!

So this crazy idea to go audition for The Voice all came about through me trying to find an episode that a friend told me to watch. In the process of that and me avoiding doing homework I started clicking around the NBC website just reading different things and alas I came to the audition information for the show. After reading some of it I see that auditions for next season's show are happening right now. So back up with me to January. I made kind of a mental commitment to try my best to step out and do some things that were out of the ordinary for me this year. Not really a new years resolution but just a desire to get myself out of my little box. During 2011 I was confronted with the definition of insanity a number of times. We all know it, "insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result." I have felt very much in a rut in life and so I just told myself that I'd start forcing my own hand a little. Obviously I'm not going nuts with this idea, because I've not gone sky diving or bungee jumping or started speed dating. I'm just keeping my radar up for cool opportunities that I would normally shrug off.

Ok, back to the present. So with all that in mind I entertain the thought of going out to one of these auditions. So I first realize what weekends I have available to attend one of the four different events. Then I start checking out flight info and realize its way cheaper to fly to LA than New York from Texas. So I begin to see that at least getting to this audition is pretty doable. So I go ahead and bid for some tickets and a rent car on and end up getting a great deal so I decide to run with it. So I register on the NBC website to get an audition spot which wasn't hard, its open to everyone. And now I'm headed out there this weekend. I will confess that my thoughts at the beginning of this deal was that I just wanted to go there just so I could finally tell everyone who tells me to get on American Idol or something, that I did it. That I gave it a whirl and put myself out there. However, now that everyone knows and seems pretty excited about me going out there, its made me excited about the actual possibility of what the Lord could have in store for ole Curtis (Curt) Hampton. So now that everything is set and ready to go (except for what I'll wear) I'm getting nervous and pumped to just see how it all happens and how I measure up against some of America's best talent. Crazy times. But this is my deal, do crazy things so I don't get bored with my life.

Stay tuned as I will try to update everyone on how Saturday is going. My audition slot is 4pm Texas time on Saturday but I'm not sure what time I'll actually sing because that was just one of two time blocks that we had to sign up for. So I could be just hanging out in the convention center for hours and hours, who knows. But I'll keep you posted.
