Saturday, October 15, 2005

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Blogger Bethany said...

is that your dad?

October 15, 2005  
Blogger Curt Hampton said...

You crazy chic, it's my uncle.

October 16, 2005  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wanna hear something crazy? the guy we went and stayed with on our honeymoon (well, just one the story at bethany's webpage) had two of those guys in his house from the actual deal. I was like are you even kidding me? how do you even buy those? how do you even get them shipped? what is the shipping price? anyhow... -vanessa

October 19, 2005  
Blogger Curt Hampton said...

OK, I went to read about your honeymoon. That guy is a total nut. how old is he? When you talked about them being in their bathing suits and read to go when you all left, the mental picture was priceless. I was thinking of a seen from something like, a National Lampoons vacation movie or something. That's too funny. I'm glad that you got to get out of there.

October 22, 2005  

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